Saturday, January 9, 2010

new zines to the distro

New zines to the riotgrrrrdistro

Rad Dad 16
Rad Dad won the "best zine of 2009", and I'm so proud! It's a great compilation zine about being a father and a radical. It "Brings together voices that are asking different questions and telling different stories about what it means to be a parent in a fractured, unequal, comsumerist society." written by "...queer parents, parents of color, radical feminist parents, parents who are redefining what family means."
Adrienne Skye Rogers interviews her dad about, among other things, growing up as a Communist's son, what he remembered about his father's arrest (during the McCarthy Era, he was arrested for conspiracy to overthow the US government).
there's a story by James Allardice about doing a charity bike ride with his dad, and how their roles changed during it, as he started taking care of his dad in new ways. also: Top Ten Books for the Whole Family, a review of My Baby Rides the Short Bus, and more.

Rad Dad #15
a story by Mark Ali about teaching English, talking to students about how people judge eachother outside first, inside last, and how he made decisions in defiance of the expectations of him. There's an article about kids on the playground, dealing with bullies with "a diversity of tactics, escalating to direct action". There's an article where a new parent asks different revolutionary parents "If you could communicate one thing to a radical parent to be, what would it be?", Concrete Things You can Do to Support Parents or ChildCare Givers
and more.

Rad Dad #14
has an interview with Claude Marks, a revolutionary who was (I think) an underground revolutionary in the 70's; an article about objects and consumerism; one about a kid who was murdered by cops, and how the father wishes he could honestly explain the racist world to his daughtor; one called Principles for Unconventional Parenting.
3.75 us, 4.30 intl

Kerbloom! #80
These little pretty zines have been coming out forever, every two months. They are done on letterpress, which is the kind of printing press where you have to put each letter in one at a time.
Issue 80 is about being sober, and whether she is secretly straigtedge even though she doesn't like hardcore music or straightedge thugs. It's pretty funny and sweed.
2.60 us, 3.60 intl

Ker-bloom 81: Artnoose and the Terrible Horrible No-good Very Bad Year
"It was suppose to be my Bounce Back Year. Instead it seemed like my Knock Down Year." failed relationship, loss of personal power, her Inner Nietzsche, wolves wearing human skin. It ends with the Dream Shop of 2010.
2.60 us, 3.60 intl

Scenery is Free #1
I don't normally like travel zines very much, but this one is from Malasia, and written in
English, and the English in it is so strange and beautiful that even a rant about consumerism becomes like poetry, and allows me to rethink the thoughts again.
Like this: "Please don't heritage to email us before May 2006 because we want to go to United State to do shitty jobs at White House in Washington DC. Then we go to Los Vegas, Hollywood and California for gambling, shopping and surfing. If they are allowed us enter their country. That's cool. It's about dealing with all the people who living in a world full of illusions and afraid by their shadows."
Mostly this issue is about traveling around Europe. It's pretty great.
3.50 us, 5.00 intl

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