Friday, February 26, 2010

new zines for distro

new zines to the distro at riotgrrrdistro


Timothy wrote this zine four years after his dad died of cancer. He wrote about his dad every day for a month, and this zine is selections from that writing. His dad was from S.Africa and had been a white, anti-apartied activist before moving to the u.s.
So there are parts about that and part about Timothy wondering what it would have been like to come out to his dad as being trans. Wishes and regrets and so much more.

I wish I had read this zine after my mom died, because it would have helped me to understand what it might be like four years later.

2.40 u.s., 3.40 intl

Brainscan 19

from being the girl scribbling in her notebook to the girl runnning around getting stuff done - helping to organize the Portland Zine Symposium, the weird thing about meeting and making friends with people who's zines you've read, and the ways we represent ourselves. Important tips and ideas that came out of a mental helath workshop she went to. Doing a zine workshop for highschoolers and at the Portland Rock and Roll camp for girls, and how great the camp was.

2.75 u.s., 3.60 intl

Brainscan 20

Utah stories: about home can be like memories threatening to consume you. but "I am not afraid of your ghosts. I am not afraid of who I used to be."
Alex has a beautiful way of writing these stories - coffee shop crushes, rediculous drinking games, unrequited love, friendship, friendship break up, optimism and small adventures.

2.75 u.s., 3.60 intl

Brainscan 22: a practical body modification

This issue is all about IUD's. some factual information and then her detailed story about what it was like to get one. I think it would be really useful for anyone considering getting an IUD, and also it's just good to hear about what it is like going to the gynecologist office, because it's something that doesn't get talked about much.

2.75 u.s., 3.60 intl

Iran: 100 Years of Modern Iran (1891-1992)
like all the Simple History zines, this is a great introduction to the history of Iran, and makes further study seem possible.

2.75 u.s. 3.60 intl

Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2:DIY Resource for zines and zine culture

A little book that's about making zines, with tips about writing and editing, layout, copyright, photocopiers, binding, block printing, paper making, mail art and a zillion other things.

7.00 u.s., 10.00 intl

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